It’s All About Perspective

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Sally Eveleth - Black Hills ClimbingIt is amazing to me how many lessons God can teach us through climbing, and how many times the cruxes we face on the crag relate to life in general.

The steps of a man are established by the LORD,
when he delights in his way; – Psalm 37:23

A couple months ago I was on the phone with a close friend. We were talking with her about some difficult circumstances I was facing. I felt hopeless, discourage, and unsure about what to do next. Suddenly a picture came to my mind, and I knew it was from God. I said to my friend, “wait a minute, I want to tell you a story about rock climbing…”

That day, while talking on the phone, God interrupted my conversation, and reminded me of the cruxes I have faced when climbing. As a new climber, I sometimes get to a place where I feel “stuck.” I realize I cannot reach that next hand hold, or shift my weight enough to move. As long as I keep looking at that out of reach hand hold I become more fatigued, and discouraged. At that point, the thought giving up can consume my thoughts.

Sally Eveleth - A new perspectiveA New Perspective

During those times of discouragement, God gently nudges and reminds me to change my focus off that one move, and look to the left or the right. Maybe I need to back track a little to find the correct path. Maybe my tunnel vision is so focused on that one bomber hold, I am missing that much needed foot hold.  Maybe, by just moving to the left a little I might gain a new perspective. Voilà! Just like that there is a little crystal I can grip, or the perfect foothold that allows me to shift my weight over my ankle to stand and reach for the next hold. Before I know it, I am climbing again, no longer feeling stuck, and finding victory as I reach the top.

Casting all your anxieties on him, because
he cares for you. – 1 Peter 5:7

God showed me that day that I was not stuck. My circumstances were not hopeless. He teaches me daily to drop the tunnel vision and rest in his presence. He has it all in control. All I need to do is look around for the path He has designed. That path may not include that bomber hold, and the climb may not be easy. However, he will provide me just enough crystals, nubs, and cracks to keep moving up in victory.

It is God who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure. He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he causes me to stand on the heights. – Psalm 18:32-33

Sally Eveleth - Victory