Join the Journey!

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Join the Journey!

Hello world!

I am in the process of launching a women’s climbing ministry, called Chick Climber. While we are located in Rapid City, SD, this idea is in no way limited to our local area. I am launching this site with a few ideas in mind. However, I am allowing God to shape the full scope of this ministry.

First, I need blog authors. I am looking for women authors who love Jesus, and climbing. The topics are not limited. They can be anything from past experiences, gear reviews, tips, testimonies, interviews, or anything else we want. The intent is for this blog and site to grow into a website that impacts women both for Christ and climbing.

Second, I currently host a weekly women’s climbing group, here in the Black Hills. We are looking for other women who are interested in starting a women’s climbing group at their church. If you feel called, this website can be a great way to connect with your group and other groups. There will be a place to post events, updates, prayer requests, etc.


A key component of our climbing group will be service projects. This could be outreach to a women’s shelter, or working with women overcoming trauma or addiction. The Chick Climber group is dedicated to sharing the love of Christ, and assisting in their healing through climbing. I want to share this amazing gift of healing with others. This site can be a hub for your community outreach as well.

Due to liability issues, all Chick Climber women’s groups must be partnered with a church. I am not a 501(c)3, have no board, bylaws, or anything else official at this time. I just have a calling from God and am taking a giant step forward to see what happens. As the ministry develops, so will these kinds of organizational structures.

Our fist partner church is Bethel Assembly, located in Rapid City SD. Bethel will be hosting a weekly women’s climbing group. During the summer months the Bethel group will primarily be rock climbing in the beautiful Black Hills. In Winter the will alternatve between a Bible study and indorr climbing in Gillette Wyoming.

The idea of partnering with churches around the country is so exciting. This website along with annual get together will build a community of women who both love Jesus and rock climbing. I look forward to hearing from you!!!

For more information on how to be a part of Chick Climber, Contact Us Today!